99.9% guaranteed workstation availability. Quite the promise! We promise a malfunctioning workstation will function again soon because we have our own service and maintenance specialists.

service and maintenance products

We are ready to help

We believe in the quality of our products. Things seldom break during normal use. Our products come with extensive user manuals that explain the correct use of the control panels. Receiving an error message? These are also listed and explained in the manual.

Frequently asked questions
ervice and maintenance quality

Guaranteed quality

Malfunctions should be repaired quickly in a 24/7 work environment. We understand this like no other. We predetermine our level of service to you in an SLA (Service Level Agreement). This expands the standard factory warranty with conditions important to your dispatch room.

View our workspaces
Service & Maintenance
Our service and maintenance specialists ensure your workstation is back up and running in no time.

A tailor-made service contract

An SLA consists of two parts: preventative and corrective activities. Preventative maintenance is conducted periodically. Usually once a year; more often is also possible of course. With regard to corrective activities, the SLA lays down in advance how soon the technician is to arrive at the location to carry out repairs.

There are three standard SLA options. It is our pleasure to discuss these with you before you enter into an agreement with us.